Stretching 190 miles along the coast of Belize, this is the second largest coral reef in the world and possibly the best protected with 7 marine reserves, 3 atolls, 400 islands and over 500 species of marine life, most of which can be seen just by snorkeling. Island hopping down the reef on a fully-equipped catamaran with skipper and chef is a vacation of a lifetime and the perfect way to discover this paradise.

Sea turtles and sea horses, sharks, rays and manatees, corals and shoals of fish of all colors of the rainbow, it’s another world. No surprise it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Charles Darwin and Jacques Cousteau both came here and wrote about the reef - and the extraordinary Great Blue Hole, a giant marine sinkhole 400 feet deep. It’s a special day scuba-diving into this vast underwater cavern, though the best view is from the air either by helicopter, or better still join our team of champion skydivers and jump into it from 10,000 feet.